Yukon NDP Leader Kate White in Legislature on March 17th. Photo Courtesy of Macklen Linke/CKRW.
Whitehorse, YT – A Yukon NDP bill aiming to limit political campaign donations has been delayed over a drafting error.
The bill limits donations to $1,500 per year from Yukon residents, excludes donations from individuals outside the territory and redefines the words ‘contribution’ and ‘contributor’ in the Elections Act.
Yukon NDP Leader Kate White chose to adjourn debate on the bill over a drafting error. The bill references incorrect sections of the Elections Act.
“I need to pull it so I can resolve that, so it is not an issue going forward,” said White. “But am I serious about amending legislation for political contributions? Yeah, absolutely, I am.”
White states that the Yukon NDP has been pushing for this legislative change for nearly a decade and that the party’s actions are in line with the principles outlined in the bill having stopped union donations and contributions from outside the territory.
“We made a decision that we thought it should be individuals. We thought it should be Yukoners, and then we’ve lived by it ever since,” said White.
The Yukon Party expressed interest in having a conversation on changes to electoral contributions but added that any changes to the Elections Act need to happen in a multi-party forum such as the Members’ Services Board.